From Acquisition to Maintenance: The Comprehensive Role of Aircraft Management

Owning a private jet may appear appealing and straightforward, yet it entails numerous challenges. Acquiring the aircraft necessitates considerable financial investment and ongoing maintenance responsibilities. Additionally, the logistical complexities of financing frequent trips must be addressed. This is where aircraft management services play a pivotal role.

Keep reading to learn more about aircraft management and gain practical advice on private jet ownership.

The Starting Point: Aircraft Acquisition

Acquiring a private jet marks a considerable achievement. Yet, discovering it’s not the right fit can be disappointing. A thorough assessment aligning your objectives and finances with the jet’s performance, compliance, history, and operational expenses is crucial. Upon finding the ideal jet, meticulous management of every detail is essential to ensure its readiness for flight.

Tailored Ownership: Legal and Regulatory Aspects

There are many legal and regulatory aspects to consider with owning an aircraft.. You need to pay close attention to every little detail and have a good grasp of aviation laws.

Legal and Regulatory Considerations

Having your own aircraft means you have to follow many rules and laws that apply to your country and other countries too. These regulations cover various things like:

  • Making sure the airplane is safe to fly
  • Following certain operational guidelines
  •  Taking care of the environment

Role of an Aircraft Management Company

Aircraft managers play a pivotal role for individuals who own private jets, as they facilitate adherence to aviation regulations and standards. Their extensive knowledge of aviation laws and regulations is crucial in ensuring the safety of aircraft operations. Additionally, they assist in obtaining permits and licenses, conducting audits to ensure compliance with legal and safety protocols.

Managing Registrations, Permits, and Documentation

It’s essential to follow all the rules and regulations by keeping track of registrations, permits, and paperwork. Aircraft managers work together with the authorities to help with getting aircraft registered. They also acquire permits for international travel and keep documentation current to reflect ownership.

Maintenance and Safety Assurance

Aircraft management involves two crucial aspects. These are aircraft maintenance and safety assurance. Skilled professionals oversee these tasks to ensure that private jets are airworthy. To achieve this, aircraft management companies create detailed maintenance schedules tailored to each aircraft’s specific needs. They work closely with expert maintenance personnel to coordinate routine inspections and scheduled tasks.

They do careful inspections to quickly fix any problems that might come up. All the maintenance work, from regular servicing to big repairs, follows strict rules for quality and safety.

Crew Management and Training

Having skilled team members is essential to make sure private flights run smoothly and safely. They show they care about giving quality service and making customers happy.

Recruitment, Training, and Screening

Aircraft management companies work hard to find the right crew members. With a strict criteria, they ensure the selection of the flight crew are the appropriate qualifications and right interpersonal skills.

Scheduling Practices

Aircraft management companies play a really important role in arranging the schedules of crew members, making sure that everything goes smoothly and works well. They also follow important rules and regulations like duty and rest limits.

Ensuring Service Excellence

Aircraft managers have the important job of looking after everything related to the crew. They work hard to make sure passengers receive the best service possible and that their operations are reliable and well-regarded.

Financial Management and Cost Efficiency

Aircraft management services make sure that private jets work well and owners get the best value for their money.

Thorough financial reporting and analysis from aircraft management services give owners crucial information about the financial status of their aircraft. Owners can see clearly their operating expenses, revenue sources from charter programs, and possible tax benefits.

Maximizing Utilization and Chartering Opportunities

Aircraft management companies play a vital role in optimizing the operational efficiency of private jets. They make sure that the owners get the most out of their aircraft. Here’s how they do it:

  • Strategic scheduling: Aircraft managers carefully strategize and fine-tune the aircraft’s timetable, pinpointing chances to reduce downtime and increase flying time. They guarantee the aircraft is used properly through managing maintenance, crew availability, and owner requests.
  • Chartering programs: When the owner is not using the aircraft, they take advantage of chartering options to cover expenses and make money. They appeal to clients looking for high-end travel experiences by using specific marketing tactics and setting competitive prices.
  • Smooth booking process: Aircraft managers handle all aspects of charter bookings, from the initial questions to organizing flights and overseeing logistics. They work hard to offer personalized service and focus on every small detail.

Personalized Services and Concierge

Aircraft management companies are essential because they make sure private jet owners have the best experience possible. They know exactly what each owner likes and needs, so they can make each trip seamless.

Supporting Owners’ Vision and Goals

Aircraft management companies are essential because they make sure everything runs smoothly. They take care of things like keeping the aircraft in good shape, planning trips, and handling financial matters.

Aircraft managers help owners make smart decisions about their planes by giving them personalized advice.

Comprehensive aircraft management offers undeniable benefits. Owners can realize their dream of fulfilling ownership, all while indulging in the ultimate comfort of stress-free travel.

Contact Chartright Air Group for Aircraft Management Services

Are you interested in learning more about out aircraft management services?

Discover how Chartright Air Group can support your private jet ownership journey. We have been serving Canadian aircraft owners for more than 35 years. Our team of talented professionals is dedicated to providing personalized solutions that align with your goals.

Chartright Air Group offers many services to help make owning a private jet more enjoyable and valuable. They can assist with buying a jet, managing finances, maintenance, and setting up charter programs. Contact us today to discover the benefits of our aircraft management.

Skies Feature: Business Jet Alternative

Chartright offers fractional alternative with Jet Lease Program

By Lisa Gordon

Live  Article: Here


Last fall, Chartright Air Group unveiled a new program designed to get more people into private jets. The hook? A one-year commitment, high flexibility and predictable pricing.


Since then, the Chartright Jet Lease Program has taken off, netting over $3 million in revenue and logging hundreds of flight hours in its first seven months. Originally supported by Chartright’s light jet fleet, the Jet Lease Program has since expanded to include mid-size and super mid-size aircraft as well.


“The main selling point is that it’s simple,” said David Shaver, VP Sales and Marketing. “The pricing is easy to understand. Customers only pay for the hours they’re on board, and it’s a relatively short term commitment at one year; plus, aircraft availability is guaranteed. There are two primary costs – the cost of the lease and the hourly rate – and both are easy to decipher.”


Shaver enjoys tracking business aviation trends and statistics. He, and others at Chartright, took note of the increasing popularity of jet card and fractional ownership programs. They wanted to broaden Chartright’s existing service offering with a competitive program that filled the gap.


Shaver collaborated with Chartright President Adam Keller, Director of Sales Graham Nierop, Program Administrator Nicole Charles, and the sales team to define a new offering outside the company’s usual scope. The resulting Jet Lease Program falls somewhere in between whole aircraft ownership and ad hoc charter.


“The concept is centred around occupied access, meaning clients get occupied hourly access to the fleet of light, mid-size and super mid-size jets with no positioning fees,” he explained.


Chartright’s Jet Lease Program has a two-part cost structure. Shaver broke down an example.


“If we’re looking at the light jet category, a client would have the choice to pay the lease fee up front or monthly, which earns them access to a preferred hourly rate when they fly. That lease fee is US$119,900 to buy in, and then clients pay CDN$2,500 per occupied hour, for packages of 25 hours. There is a discount for 50 hours or more.”


Shaver said those two fees cover most associated expenses for flights within continental North America, including crew, insurance, landing fees, parking, navigation fees and hangar storage. Additional costs may apply for ground transportation, catering that is above and beyond standard, and de-icing fees when a client is on board the aircraft.


As for fuel, Chartright’s Jet Lease Program calculates fuel costs based on a set price per litre. While a customer fuel surcharge is possible, Shaver said it typically wouldn’t apply until the price of jet fuel climbs 10 cents above the per litre threshold.


“So far, we haven’t had to apply a fuel surcharge,” he said. “But the fuel surcharge, if applicable, is set month by month on the first day of that month, so it gives some level of predictability.”


Currently, there is a large selection of aircraft available through the Chartright Jet Lease Program. Light jet options include the Cessna Citation Ultra and Encore; mid-size aircraft are the Cessna Citation Excel and XLS+; and super-midsize options include the Bombardier Challenger 300/350 and Gulfstream G200.


Typical destinations for program aircraft include Florida, Tennessee, New York, Dallas, Los Angeles, Montreal, Ottawa, Vancouver, Calgary and the Caribbean. Shaver said the super mid-size jets can travel up to 3,000 nautical miles. Trips outside continental North America incur an additional flat fee to cover international charges, such as customs and handling services.

Most Jet Lease trips (70 per cent) are business-related, while the remainder is attributed to individual travel.

“We are dealing with people who have maybe owned in the past and have sold; there are some who are trying out the program before buying their own aircraft; and then there are charter customers moving to more predicable pricing and availability,” said Shaver. “We guarantee access to an aircraft, so they can call and we’re available as required.”


For customers who typically travel on a light jet but who need to size up for a longer flight, or vice versa, Chartright allows them to switch aircraft based on set swap ratios. For example, 1.4 hours on a light jet can be traded for one hour on a mid-size aircraft. In the same manner, 36 minutes (0.6 of an hour) on a super mid-size jet equals one hour on a light jet.


Chartright’s director of sales, Graham Nierop, reiterated the benefits of the one-year lease term.


“That’s far less commitment than just about anyone out there,” he said. “The one-year contract acts a trial period, with the ability to renew, shift to full ownership, or adhoc charter at the end of your term. With the recent expansion of guaranteed access to mid-size and supermid size category of aircraft, Chartright’s Lease program is in a class of its own.”


Nierop said another Jet Lease Program differentiator is the quick return discount. This applies to any round-trip scenario, which averages two or more flight hours per day. Providing an itinerary meets these criteria, you qualify for a discount.


“We essentially reward them for bringing the aircraft back,” said Nierop. “Round-trip scenarios can be somewhat punitive with traditional jet card or fractional programs, so we developed the quick return discount to lessen the cost in these situations.”


Shaver added that Chartright also offers referral incentives and is planning to release a self-service mobile app for Jet Lease customers later this year.


Chartright is headquartered in Toronto with additional Canadian locations in Kitchener-Waterloo, Barrie Lake Simcoe, Calgary, Ottawa, Vancouver, Regina, Edmonton and Montreal.

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